American Solutions For Business Raises $3,100 For United Way

Thursday, September 30, 2021 10:30 AM | Cassondra Franze (Administrator)

American Solutions for Business raised more than $3,000 through its virtual fundraiser for United Way of Douglas and Pope counties. This fundraiser was held through the Glenwood, Minnesota-based distributor’s proprietary ecommerce platform, ACES, in August, trading dollars for votes for one of its senior leadership team members to be “pied” in the face.

The fundraiser wrapped up on August 10, as the results showed that Vice President of Sales Support Miriah Cassidy and Vice President of Technology Mike Pfeiffer were the winners and were going to be pied by ASB Founder and CEO of Larry Zavadil.

The event raised $1,532 and a matching donation from Zavadil for a total of $3,100. On September 15, the pies were delivered to the building parking lot as spectators gathered to watch the pies fly. The event was also live-streamed on Facebook.

Promotional Products Association Southwest (PPAS) is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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